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Music for the Screen

  • 2022: Musical creation for Axel Torre's short film La Ligne des morts, Montreal.
  • 2019: Musical composition for the trailer directed by Alexandre Lefebvre for a series of conferences at "Shadok", Strasbourg.
  • 2016: Composer for a short film by Kévin Hainez as part of the Nikon Film Festival.
  • 2015: Co-creation of music with Nicolas Hutsemékers for the radio play Nostra Culpa, adapted from Tanguy Cadi's short story published by Edilivre, Paris, 2014.
  • 2015: Musical creation for the short film La Menace vient de l’espace by Laura Stenhouse, Strasbourg.
  • 2014: Musical creation for the film Parcae by the collective Image-Dense, screened at the Arts Festival of the University of Strasbourg.
  • 2014: Musical creation for Maxime Hébert's short film Somnium (student at the University of Strasbourg).
  • 2012: Musical creation for Claire Muller's short film (student at the Cinécréatis school in Nantes).

 Music for the Performing Arts

  • 2016-2019: Composer for the Lanternes Public theater company for their latest show Nous étions Mousquetaires, directed by Valentin Pierquet.
  • 2016: Musical composition in the form of a film-concert on excerpts from The Unknown by Tod Browning at the open house of the Rosheim music school. Music performed by the ensemble "l’Imaginaire" (program created at the Würth Museum on 14/05/2017)
  • 2015: Co-initiator, co-director, and composer for the show Cueillie en un Pays Lointain, a dance performance with video and live music (70 participants) supported by the city and the University of Strasbourg (winner of the young talent project grant) and the Alsace cultural agency.
  • 2015: Co-arranger and project leader for the exploration of Joe Hisaishi's music with Etienne Ferrer (musical direction and arrangement) and Nicolas Hutsemékers (video arrangements) with the chamber orchestra of the University of Strasbourg as part of the University of Strasbourg Arts Festival
  • 2012: Musical creation for the piece Envol Plastique for a choreography by Mahaut Clermont

 Instrumental Music

  • 2017: Return to the forest, creation for saxophone(s), bass clarinet, accordion, and prepared piano, performed by the ensemble "l'Imaginaire" as part of a composition seminar at the Rosheim music school.
  • 2016: Composition seminar in Dessau (Germany) and creation of the piece La Soif de culture - Der Bildungsdrang for orchestra at the "Impuls" festival, performed in the Bauhaus building. Orchestra conducted by Aki Schmitt. 
  • 2014: Esquisse(s), creation for wind orchestra, performed at the Saint-Thomas church in Strasbourg, conducted by Daniel Sablayrolles.

 Publications & Conferences

  • 2022: "Jō Hisaishi, the meeting of film music and symphonic form", writing of the booklet for the Hisaishi Symphonic concert, commissioned by the Philharmonie de Paris.
  • 2022: "Jō Hisaishi and Hayao Miyazaki, Duo with a unique poetry", in the book Composers and directors in duo, with Cécile Carayol and Jérôme Rossi, Vincennes University Press, February 15, 2022.
  • 2022: Questioning the ideology of Disney studio through musical (re)composition: an alternative approach to film analysis - The Little Mermaid (1989), Beauty and the Beast (1991) and Aladdin (1992), thesis supervised by Serge Cardinal, University of Montreal and Marguerite Chabrol, University of Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis, defended in 2022.
  • 2021: Questioning the ideology of Disney studios through musical (re)composition: an alternative approach to film analysis, The case of The Little Mermaid (1989). Research seminar "Works and Virtualities", organized by Serge Cardinal, with the Sound Creation Laboratory (UdeM), Loig Le Bihan (Paul Valéry Montpellier University | ACÉCA, RIRRA 21), Jean-Michel Durafour (Aix-Marseille University | LESA).
  • 2020: What a trumpet sound can tell us about a struggle for recognition, available on Le Club de Médiapart, published on June 10, 2020.
  • 2019: Questioning the ideology of Disney studios through musical (re)composition: an alternative approach to film analysis, doctoral day of AFECCAV, during the workshop "Gender and intersectionality".